One of the things that draws patients to Invisalign treatment is the amount of control it gives them. These clear aligners can be removed from the teeth at any time, which can allow you much greater freedom throughout the course of your treatment.
However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t important guidelines to keep in mind if you want to straighten your teeth quickly. Here are a few important do’s and don’ts to remember when it comes to Invisalign.
Do: Wear Your Aligners For 20-22 Hours a Day
While you’re able to take off your aligners at any time, they only really work on your teeth while you’re wearing them. For that reason, it’s a good idea to keep them on as much as possible.
Most dentists recommend wearing your aligners for anywhere from 20-22 hours a day. This usually means only taking your aligners off for meals and cleaning them each day.
Don’t: Leave Your Aligners Out in the Open
Your Invisalign aligners are incredibly discreet, which is part of what draws people to the treatment. However, it also means that they’re pretty easy to lose track of if you leave them out in the open.
When you take your trays out for meals, leaving them on a table or wrapping them in a napkin makes them incredibly easy to lose. You might even accidentally throw them away if you aren’t careful.
Do: Store Your Aligners in a Carrying Case
Instead, you should invest in a personalized carrying case for your Invisalign trays. This will give you a place to put them when you take them out, ensuring that you don’t accidentally lose them.
You can even get a carrying case personalized to you. This can be an opportunity to accessorize a little bit and protect your oral appliance at the same time!
Don’t: Clean Your Invisalign with Hot Water
Your Invisalign is made from clear plastic. This means that if you clean them with scolding hot or freezing cold water it can warp your transparent trays, causing them to change the way that they fit over your teeth.
Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be finished with your Invisalign treatment in no time!
About Our Practice
At Brown & Nawrocki Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry, we bring a personal touch to every treatment that we provide. When you come to us for your Invisalign treatment, we know that you’ll be seeing us for a while; that’s why we always go the extra mile for our Invisalign patients. No matter what brings you to our dental office, we can promise you that you’ll get our attention and respect for the duration of our stay.
If you have any questions about Invisalign, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (386) 677-1046.