Having crooked, overcrowded, or slightly gapped teeth can impact more than just your appearance. When your pearly whites aren’t in their proper positions, it’s harder to access all their surfaces to thoroughly brush and floss them. You’re more likely to develop cavities or gum disease as a result.
Although braces are the tried-and-true method for straightening smiles, many patients avoid treatment because they don’t want to deal with metal brackets bonded in place for the duration of their treatment. If you’re looking for a more discreet way to upgrade your grin, you’re not alone. More than 17 million people have turned to Invisalign to shift their teeth instead.
If you’re on the fence about moving forward with this method, continue reading to learn 3 reasons why summer is the ideal time to begin!
Reason #1: Flexible Schedules
With school out of session, this is the perfect time to use any paid vacation you may have earned at work. Employers are accustomed to requests to be out of the office, so you shouldn’t have any issues scheduling dental appointments. You’ll have time to book your Invisalign consultation and fitting, as well as the follow-up appointments every 6 weeks or so. Plus, you’ll have peace of mind without worrying that you’ll be judged because everyone else will be in and out of the workplace, too.
Reason #2: Time to Adjust
Although Invisalign is considered much more comfortable than traditional braces, your mouth still needs time to adjust to wearing the plastic trays. Anything that exerts enough pressure to move your teeth can potentially cause discomfort, so it’s normal to feel sore or sensitive for a little while after you insert a new set. Your tongue and the other supporting muscles and ligaments must learn how to function properly with the smooth plastic in place.
The dog days of summer are perfect for taking a break to allow your mouth time to acclimate to your orthodontics. Whether you enjoy movies at home in the air conditioning or intend to soak up the sun by the pool, there are plenty of opportunities to relax so your teeth can adjust.
Reason #3: Tasty Treats
If your teeth feel tender when you first start wearing Invisalign, you’ll probably want to avoid any overly hard or sticky foods that can exacerbate your discomfort. Thankfully, there are plenty of summertime snacks you can enjoy that won’t hurt your grin. Some popular options include yogurt, ice cream, and blended fruit smoothies. Natural foods like citrus fruits and watermelon are also full of flavor and are easier to eat.
By starting your Invisalign treatment this season, you’ll be well on your way to a straighter smile by the time things pick back up in autumn!
About the Practice
At Brown & Nawrocki Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry, two skilled dentists work together to offer a full array of services to meet all your dental needs under one roof. They take the time to get to know each person’s unique needs and concerns so they can create fully individualized treatment plans to address them. Then, they utilize state-of-the-art equipment to enhance patient comfort as well as the accuracy of their results. If you have crooked teeth and want a consultation appointment, you can request one on the website or by calling (386) 677-1046.